"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein

Thursday, April 21, 2005

The Piano

Moonlight rained through the windows like a volley from archers. It struck the massive instrument, glancing off to pierce my soul. The room filled with light, as full as my heart. My spirit cascaded out of my fingers onto the keys, bounding away to fight for control of the room. The first wave was slow and deep, but my soul was not satisfied. I fought on, striving to release the feelings that strangled my core. As I strove, my weapon turned traitor and refused to express me. I struck at the keys, straining to force my soul through the instrument, into the night. The notes struggled, and the air groaned to bear what I begged it take. The air became thick with my story, and the room filled to bursting as the notes gave substance to my soul. Moonlight retreated into the night as my soul released the last of my grief.

Inspired by Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, especially the first and third movements.
Dedicated to inexpressible grief.


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